Luisa Ribeiro Lopes - AIVOLUTION

Luisa Ribeiro Lopes - AIVOLUTION

Luisa Ribeiro Lopes

Chair Of The Board Of Directors at .PT

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Contact info

  • Speciality: Chair Of The Board Of Directors at .PT
  • Experience: 10 Years
  • Phone: 700.123.456.789
  • Company: Netflix
  • Email:
  • Fax: 700.123.456.789

Luisa Ribeiro Lopes

Chair Of The Board Of Directors at .PT


Luisa Ribeiro Lopes has worked for over 25 years in the development of digital projects, both in the private and public sectors. She is President of the Board of Directors of .PT, the organisation responsible for managing the national top-level domain, .pt, and General Coordinator of the National Digital Competences Initiative e.2030, INCoDe.2030. She also sits on the National Board of DECO and is a Board Member of CENTR, the association of European top-level domain registries.

The science of consciousness in the context of artificial intelligence

In this fascinating talk, the renowned neuroscientist will delve into the depths of the human mind and its interaction with emerging artificial intelligence.

Discover how consciousness shapes our understanding of the world and how AI can challenge and expand our concepts of self-awareness and cognition.

Get ready for a journey of innovative discovery that transcends the boundaries of science and technology.

4.00PM - 4.45PM

29 May 2024

2024 is run by Aivolution