Sara Guerreiro Sousa - AIVOLUTION

Sara Guerreiro Sousa - AIVOLUTION

Sara Guerreiro Sousa

Product Manager for AI Innovation at Unbabel Labs & Centre for Responsible AI

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António Damásio is a Portuguese neurologist and researcher. His discoveries in the area of the neurobiology of mind and behaviour, with an emphasis on emotion, decision-making, memory, communication and creativity, have made him a leading figure with international recognition in the field of neuroscience.

Contact info

  • Speciality: Product Manager for AI Innovation at Unbabel Labs & Centre for Responsible AI
  • Experience: 10 Years
  • Phone: 700.123.456.789
  • Company: Netflix
  • Email:
  • Fax: 700.123.456.789

Sara Guerreiro Sousa

Product Manager for AI Innovation at Unbabel Labs & Centre for Responsible AI


Sara Guerreiro de Sousa has been working at the intersection of innovation, technology and artificial intelligence, promoting the development of responsible AI products and practices.

She has a degree in Applied Mathematics from IST and a master's degree in Finance from Nova SBE, with additional certifications in Product Management, Data Science and Human Technology. She has accumulated experience over the last 10 years in the areas of data science, innovation and responsible product development both in a business context and in the non-profit sector, where she is part of the leadership and management team of the Data Science for Social Good PT organization.

AI Case Studies: the latest AI for humanity and business cases

In a world where AI is increasingly present, Sara will talk about the central role of Responsible AI in society and in the development of future-proof solutions. Based on her experience at the Centre for Responsible AI, Sara will discuss and demonstrate how the responsible use of this technology represents both a huge challenge and an opportunity for organizations to develop innovative products and solutions based on the pillars of Responsible AI.

12.00PM - 12.30PM

29 May 2024

2024 is run by Aivolution