Program Old - AIVOLUTION

Program Old - AIVOLUTION

Programação Impactante?
Sim, com a Knower™ Impact Meetings.

Em Maio de 2024 a Knower™ traz até à maior sala de espetáculos e eventos do país, speakers de renome e pioneiros na análise tecnológica do futuro Explore a nossa agenda para o próximo dia 29 de maio com speakers de renome internacional, painéis de discussão e casos práticos onde a IA já está a dar cartas. A Knower™ Impact Meetings - AIvolution - é a oportunidade para aprofundar conhecimentos e explorar as últimas tendências em IA.


09:30AM – 10:00AM: Opening Registration & Coffee Networking
10:00AM – 10:05AM: AI Welcome Note
10:05AM – 10:10AM: Opening Session (AI Prologue)

Marcos Pinto – Host & Amílcar Gabriel – Knower™ CEO

10:10AM – 10:15AM: Welcome

Carlos Moedas, Mayor of Lisbon

10:15AM – 11:00AM: Opening Keynote
– The AI Transformation: Impact on Leadership

Gerd Leonhard, Author, Futurist & Humanist

11:00AM – 11:40AM: Panel Discussion - Talent,
Workforce Development & Responsible AI

Ricardo Costa
Sponsor 1
Moderação: Rita Piçarra

11:40AM – 12:00AM: Coffee Break

12:00AM – 12:30AM: Speaker – Practical AI:
The Ultimate Life and Business Cases

Nuno Sebastião, Chairman & CEO at Feedzai

12:30AM – 02:30PM: Networking Lunch

02:30PM- 03:00PM: Speaker - Innovation with AI
- Creating New Business Models

Manuel Dias, National Technology Officer & Executive
Board Member at Microsoft

03:00PM – 03:40PM: Panel Discussion
– Designing AI Strategy for Your Organization

Cristina Fonseca, Tech Entrepreneur and Investor. Engineer. AI
Sponsor 2
Moderação: Cristina Amaro, Autora&Pivot Imagens de Marca @ SIC Notícias

03:40PM – 04:00 PM: Coffee Break

04:00PM – 04:45PM: Closing Keynote – Shaping the (Human) Future with AI

António Damásio, Neurocientista e Professor de Neurociência na
Universidade do Sul da Califórnia

04:45PM – 05:00PM: Conference Wrap-Up and Key Takeaways

Marcos Pinto & Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education

05:00PM – 05:20PM: Closing/Open Letter for the Future

05:20PM – 06:00PM After Conference Experiences & Cocktail


AI Transformation: Impact on Leadership

Como a AI está a moldar o mundo (AI megatrends)

Talent, Workforce Development & Responsible AI

Como nos podemos preparar (competências e fronteiras)

Practical AI: The Ultimate Life and Business Cases

Que casos e exemplos com impacto já estão em curso

Innovation with AI - Creating New Business Models

Como podemos inovar nos negócios e trazer valor para a sociedade

Designing AI Strategy for Your Organization

Que estratégias estão a ser implementadas pelas empresas e marcas

Shaping the (Human) Future with AI

Qual a reflexão e que caminhos futuros devemos considerar

Open Letter to the Future

Quais as key takeaways desta experiência imersiva (conferência)

Imagem do altifalante
Gerd Leonhard

The AI Transformation: Impact on Leadership

We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, and to have epic adventures
Imagem do altifalante
António Damásio

Shaping the (Human) Future with AI

We’re inviting the top creatives in the tech industry from all over the world to come learn, grow, scrape their knees, try new things, to be vulnerable, and to have epic adventures

Encontramo-nos lá?

2024 is run by Aivolution